Archive for the ‘Whitepapers’ Category

Honeypots Against Spam

Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

Honeypots against Spam: Details of a second warrant for a case where proxypot/honeypot information was significant:

KYE: Phishing released

Tuesday, May 17th, 2005

New Honeynet Project Know Your Enemy paper, KYE: Phishing, released. This paper is based on combined phishing research by the UK and German Honeynet Projects and details real world phishing incidents, including tools and techniques used, incident timelines and common trends.

New Scan of the Month challenge (34) published

Tuesday, April 12th, 2005

The Honeynet Project has published a new Scan of the Month (SotM) challenge, number 34. This month’s challenge is to analyze a diverse set of logs captured on the honeypot by various monitoring and auditing systems in order to determine whether (and how) the honeypot was compromised.

KYE: Tracking Botnets released

Saturday, March 19th, 2005

New Honeynet Project Know Your Enemy paper, KYE: Tracking Botnets released. This paper is based on extensive research by the German Honeynet Project and covers what Botnets are, how they work, the people behind them, and several new tools for tracking Botnets and learning more.

KYE whitepaper on trends released

Tuesday, December 21st, 2004

Honeynet Project releases KYE whitepaper on Trends, which sparks significant debate in the IT security community.

Distributed Honeynet Project – papers released

Saturday, May 15th, 2004

New papers released on the Distributed Honeynet Project website