Archive for August, 2005

UK consumers ‘banking blindly’

Friday, August 5th, 2005

UK consumers ‘banking blindly’ (references research by the Honeynet Project and IBM)

Japanese HP joins Research Alliance

Thursday, August 4th, 2005

Japanese Honeynet Project joins Research Alliance: The Japanese Honeynet Project has joined the Honeynet Project’s Research Alliance. More details about the group can be found here

Logalert released

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

Logalert released: Gabriel Armbrust Araujo has released a logfile monitoring tool called ‘logalert’ which executes a specific action whenever it matches a pattern [regex], much like the swatch perl script. See

HoneyD discussion forums added

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

Discussion forums added for honeyd: Discussion forums for honeyd have been added by Niels on the Honeyd home page at

Google Hack Honeypot updated

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

Google Hack Honeypot Project updated: The Google Hack Honeypot project has released version 1.1 of its tools and documentation, available immediately at “GHH is the “Google Hack” honeypot, a package of honeypots, tools, and documentation reacting to search engine hacking. Google provides an unbiased index of all things public, vulnerable or not. This index provides attackers a convenient path for exploitation, while GHH provides the convenient path to embarrassment. Version 1.1 is a compilation of many updates including: centralized logging (MySQL), advanced proxy detection, spoofed file extensions and new pre-built honeypots. These features allow GHH to respond to advances in search enging hacking.”